Monday, 30 September 2013

Facebook focuses on the "transparency" of the Posts - Everything becomes "Searchable"

Earlier this year, Facebook introduced a new "Search option" which searched for people, friends,etc. That was called as "Facebook's Graph Search". Till now if someone wanted to search for a set of people who like music or people who stay in America, etc, then that was made possible using the Facebook's Graph search. 

Facebook displayed all the search results according to the demands of the user using "Graph Search". Now taking a step forward, Facebook has made some new arrangements in the Graph search wherein posts, images or likes or comments that you did will be searchable for other friends. 

All your posts, likes , comments or images that others search for in the graph search will be displayed . This step will disappoint some users. Already some have expressed their disliking toward new update in graph search by giving their feedback.

If we think it from the other side, it will benefit the users who are searching for their own posts. Like for example, if you are searching for the posts from 2011-2012 then the "Graph Search" will do the work for you. If you want to know about posts about specific topics of interest then that also is possible with this new update. 

With this new update , you can find out the old posts that you did earlier.

New trick for Facebook advertising - Faces of Facebook

Advertising in Facebook is a very easy way to gain the targeted audience. The social media is becoming more and more focal point for the advertisers today. Online platform is very big and many do online shopping too these days using e-commerce sites. 

But to gain the audience from a particular social media platform you should have the professional tactics to earn the customers' mind. To win their heart is a very tricky thing and advertisers have to bring some interesting , innovative ideas to gain their interests. 
Facebook intelligently displays the ads that are relevant on the News Feeds. Many are unwanted to the users but some may turn attractive with good offers. 

As to build a perfect advertising campaign you should have a professional Facebook fan Page which will display ads. 

Now as per the latest updates by Facebook Developers, News Feed will show less unwanted ads.This again will make all the advertisers go through a very narrow way to get their audience. 

With a new technique called as "Deep Learning" , using Advanced Artificial Intelligence technique, Facebook will go very deep into the roots of the posts that you update daily.

Advertisers have to look at all these points and then plan for the perfect advertisement. This will be made easier if I help them with the new trick for advertising in Facebook . That will be nothing but find out the real audience for your brand advertising means your target audience. 

There is a website, "Faces Of Facebook" which shows the profile pics of all the Facebook users across the world. All the users profile pics are displayed on that website. So why not just find out your target ones from that!!!!
This is a very secret tip for all the advertisers who are reading this post. Be the first one to grab attention of the Facebook users you are targeting to. 
Use the above mentioned website and find out from the location which are the Facebook users you want to target for your advertisements.

Find yourself in the ocean of all Facebook profile pics

Facebook, when added its users, summed up to more than 1.2 billion users. These profiles were seen on a single image with tiny dots all together.  At the first glance you may feel that you are looking at the TV screen which is not working. But in reality, you will get the number of Facebook users on it.

See all the Facebook users on a single page. 

With a click on the image anywhere, you can see the profile images of users around the world.

Can you find out your profile pic in the above image? This image has all the profile images of all the Facebook users. 

The website "Faces of Facebook" displays all the profile images across the world. When you click on the image, all the profiles pics will be displayed . 

This app is created by freelance designer Natalia Rojas. By clicking on the location icon, you will be able to find out your place in the heap of images.

She writes that : "We are not breaking any of Facebook privacy rules because we don't store anyone's private information, pictures or names," she wrote on the site."

The profile images of Facebook users are arranged in the chronological manner according to the date and time of the registration with the site.

So which Facebook registration number are you? Can you find yours?

Isn't it a challenge to find out one profile in 1.2billion of users? Wow , what a great app designed? It puts all the Facebook users' profile images on a single page!!!

Saturday, 28 September 2013

Facebook User Id-Finder-Tool

We all know that a every Facebook profile will have a unique numerical ID like but after assigning your own User Name numeric id will not show in your profile url, it redirects to your custom User Name. one of our blog reader asked this doubt. Here is the trick to get your facebook id number using facebook graph.

Non-Customized Facebook Profile URL

Your URL (web address) will look something like this:

Customized Facebook Profile URL
Here�s what I mean by a customized Facebook profile URL � I�ll use my Facebook profile as the example:

Here�s how to find your Facebook ID

~*~ Facebook User ID Finder Tool by - Fb-Awesome-Tricks ~*~

Just Enter your Facebook User Name and Click on '"Get Details".

After Click on "Get Details", Its pop up a window, which having all details of your page or profile. Like the below snapshot

Facebook Popup Like Box For Blogger

Here I introduced Beautiful Facebook popup like box with different styles. It looks very nice and beautiful. It is very simple to get more likes on your website fan page. Yes.. You don't need to ask your friends to like your facebook fan page. You can done it without asking anyone. It can be made by your visitors alone. It designed with concentrate on that people always like beautiful things. You can choose four kinds of images on the top portion of popup like box. See the preview of all the four images here and choose which one you want for your blog.

    1. Login to your Blogger account
    2. Go to dashboard and move on Layout section
    3. Click on Add a gadget link and select HTML/JavaScript option
    4. Copy the below code into HTML box
    5. Click on the Save button.

      Copy This Script:
      -------fb-awesome-tricks beautiful facebook popup like box ends------------> <style type="text/css"> * html #fb-awesome-tricksstylepopupdiv { position:absolute; overflow:hidden;} #fb-awesome-tricksstylepopupdiv { display:block; top:0px; left:0px; width:100%; height:100%; position:fixed; background-color:none; margin:0; overflow-y:hidden;} #fb-awesome-tricksstylepopup { background-color: #fff; overflow:none; overflow:hidden;} .fb-awesome-tricksstylepopup { width:333px; overflow:hidden; height:370px; position:fixed; top:45%; left:50%; margin-top:-210px; margin-left:-200px; border: 10px solid #999; padding: 20px;} </style> <!--[if lte IE 6]> <style type="text/css"> /*<![CDATA[*/ html {overflow-x:auto; overflow-y:hidden;} /*]]>*/ </style> <![endif]--> <div id="fb-awesome-tricksstylepopupdiv"> <div id="fb-awesome-tricksstylepopup" class="fb-awesome-tricksstylepopup"> <center> <h3 class="title"> <img src="" /> </h3> </center> <center> <iframe src="//; width=300&amp;colorscheme=light&amp; show_faces=true&amp; border_color=%23ffffff&amp; stream=false&amp;header=false&amp; height=250" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:300px; height:216px;" allowtransparency="true"> </iframe> </center> <div style=" float:left; margin-left:0px; font-size:9px; cursor:pointer;" > <a style=" font-size:9px; color:#3B78CD; text-decoration:none;" onmouseup="document.getElementById('fb-awesome-tricksstylepopupdiv') .style.display='none'"> <img src=""/> </a> </div> </div> </div> <!-------fb-awesome-tricks beautiful facebook popup like box ends------------> 

      You Must Do It

      • Replace Trickstoo (red color) with fanpage name of yourblog fanpage in facebook. 
      • Replace (pink color) with any of the following url to display different styles of facebook image on the top of the facebook popup like box



      Now your Facebook NewsFeed will display less ads

      Want to remove those annoying and unwanted ads from Facebook News Feed? Now no more changing settings for ads and displaying of them as Facebook now understands which ads you may like or unlike. This change was introduced by Facebook stating that now Facebook will show less unwanted ads in News Feed. 

      When we came to know that Facebook ads will have the image sizes changed, then it was thought at that time itself that whether Facebook users like any ads that are displayed on their News feed or not. Sometimes these ads are just unwanted and we don't like to see them . And we start thinking about how to remove these ads from Facebook.

      Now instead of all these , Facebook made a new start related to Facebook Ads that which are unwanted ads those will not be shown . But make a note that advertisements will not be removed completely, but they will be reduced in numbers. Means if say 5 ads were displayed earlier, now they will reduce to 2 or 3 . Means it will display less unwanted ads. Facebook now understands about your likes and dislikes and keeps a close eye on what you may love to see on your News feed. This is also made possible by the Facebook Developers by introducing a Artificial Intelligence technique called as "Deep Learning"
      Facebook is for all. Some use it for connecting with friends and dear ones but some want to make use of it for their business . So they create ads. 
      But the latest update in Facebook says that as from now onwards, it will show less unwanted ads according to the taste of the user. Less unwanted ads , less irritation.

      Friday, 27 September 2013

      How to "Edit Post" in Facebook

      As you all know that there is a fresh new feature introduced by Facebook, the Developers say that when you edit any post or status in your Facebook wall or timeline, the likes and comments or images that you have posted earlier will not get erased off. When this is possible why not use this new option for changing the posts that need editing. The editing may be just adding punctuation, or adding a new sentence , or just a new image, then that can be done with some simple steps. 

      To know what is this new feature called "Edit Posts" visit the link .

      There is just a simple step for doing editing of any post. 

      The images will guide you through the process. 

      • Log in to your Facebook account
      • Go to your Facebook Timeline 
      • Select any post that need editing and some small changes
      • Hover over the mouse at the top right corner of that post
      • It will have a list of options
      • Select the option "Edit" 
      • Type or make the necessary changes in the post
      • Then click "Done Editing" button

      Please note that after editing your post, what likes and comments you had received earlier will not be lost and will appear after editing too. 


      Facebook introduces "Edit Post" feature for Android and Web users

      A new feature gets introduced in Facebook - "Edit Post" feature. This facility allows the Facebook users to edit their status updates after posted on wall. Means if you think there are any changes to be made in the post , like grammatical mistakes or adding new sentences in the status , then you can do that even after the post is published.

      This feature was introduced for web users and Android users. Yet this facility to be accessible for iOS users will take some time. But it will be introduced for iOS very soon. 

      Immediately an important point that strikes in mind is whether after editing the post, will all the likes and comments be lost ?? This did happen earlier but after the introduction of Edit post feature , all your post likes and comments will be safe. 

      The above image is the blank post without the arrow button at the top right corner . But soon that arrow will appear which will have an option of Edit post.

      In order to Edit some already posted status, you have to click on the down arrow in the top right corner of any post and select "Edit Post". Then after editing the post, just click "Done Editing" button.

      Facebook has its own cookies or a database maintained that will take care of all your earlier posts and your edited ones. The database will stop anyone tricking negatively with the feature.

      Get the steps for doing the editing of any post in Facebook.

      Unfollow All Persons On Facebook At Once

      imacros can make your daily internet task easy! because its going to work by itself. i have provided the latest working script to automatically unfollow whoever you are following on facebook the script is working on the new facebook interface

      iMacros working script to unfollow on facebook automatically

      imacros can make your daily internet task easy! because its going to work by itself for example if you want to unfollow whoever you are following on Facebook and you are tired of clicking unfollow one after another then you can follow this steps to unfollow it automatically

      Here's a working iMacros Script to unfollow all the people that you have been following on Facebook, just copy the script below and edit paste it on some macros don't forget to save and close before you play the script! this script is tested and its working properly!

      Step 1.) Click Here To Install iMacros Add-ons for Firefox 8.5.1

      Click To "Add to Firefox" Button

      Install This Add-ons

      Click To "Restart Now" Button

      Step 2.) Just Copy The Script Below 

      Copy This Script:

      SPECIAL NOTE: please edit the code below don't forget to put your facebook username on the script replase this ID - rohanx111

      Before & After

      Image - 1

      Image - 2 

      Thursday, 26 September 2013

      Convert any photo or image into Facebook Chat Emotion

      When you start chatting in Facebook, sometimes you find any image that is really worth sharing in the chat window with your fellow chatters. As you have the idea of chat emotions code, you can do that with any image.

      Also Read: Facebook's new chat feature : Web or Mobile

      If you see that any Facebook page has a very good image that can be used in chat window then follow the steps below:

      • Log in to your Facebook Account
      • Search for any page in Facebook using "Graph Search" 
      • Select that page 
      • When it opens, then find out the code which has some numbers in the URL of the page
      • Copy that code 
      • Paste in the two brackets [[ ]] while typing in the chat window
      • And your selected fan page image will appear in the chat window as emotion code

      • Then press Enter as usual
      • Now the selected page image is seen as emotion in the chat window

      In this way whichever image you want from the Facebook page you can get it and convert it into an emotion code in the chat window. 

      17 Proven Tricks to Improve Business via Facebook (Doing Business Facebook Way)

      Business minded people will have a lots of marketing strategies for promoting their business. Small business as well as the business tycoons today have to go through some tactics that involves their contribution in the social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc. Most of the audience can be found there for the business to reach to them. 

      Many have some or the other tricks or in their words let us call "Marketing Strategies". Some do it via the media or visual ads , some do it via newspapers, some maintain their standards by mouth publicity. Whatever way you choose the main intention is to bring the required amount of audience or customers for the products or the business to flourish. 
       How you sell is the most important thing in the business than what you sell to public. To become a selling king or queen in your business , you have to maintain some different , crazy , outstanding tricks. Because to please the public is the main trick or let me call it as the hidden trick involved. 

      Public is a mob that may like or not like your products. When they like your style of selling then they may think of buying your services or products. 

      You as a marketing person or a businessman must know what the audience wants, instead of wasting your precious time in just promoting a single type of product. 

      You have to act as a magnet that can attract the customers to your words to buy . 

      Sometimes I just feel that this is the old trick that earlier businessmen used to adopt. But now with the new technology, the new style of marketing your business is "Social Media" . There are lots of social media sites where you can find out millions of customers for your product or services. 

      In this blog , I have added a post that focuses on latest technique called "Deep Learning" Facebook is going to use for knowing the customers mind. Using this Facebook will understand the mindset of the Facebook users when they post on their Facebook wall. 

      While just going through my blog Facebook tips and tricks , I thought of highlighting some tricks for businessmen who do it the Facebook way means who want the users to change to customers for their business page or fan page. 

      When you have decided to get the valuable users from Facebook through Facebook page ( if you have created one for your business ) then let us discuss the important ways that will work for your business. There are some points that will highlight the Facebook Marketing Strategies for you. 
      • Search for your competitors first on Facebook : In this you have to find out if there is any similar names your competitors are using for their products to launch on Facebook page.
      • Attractive Brand Name: Again you have to check whether the brand name is similar as theirs. 
      • Check for Vanity URLs:  Before you launch your business name on Facebook, check whether the vanity url you want is available there. You can check this with the use of "Namevine".
      • Perfect Timing: Timing is the most important point that you have to remember while posting or promoting on Facebook page . The audience will not be available for 24 hours on Facebook. So the correct time to promote is when they are online. 
      • Update Constantly : Your Facebook page needs daily posts to grow higher and higher to the targeted traffic.
      • Encourage "Likes" : When any user "Likes" your post or product, then encourage them and offer them something exciting. This will make them return back to your page and that will create a mouth publicity or online publicity for your product.
      • Don't first think of money: Money minded will always be only money minded. To gain money you have to gain the audience. So if at the first instance you have to gain audience's hearts, you have to gain their likes and comments . So sell them free of cost if possible. 
      • Create Events : Events can be created when there is some special occasion like festivals or birthdays or any other day that will bring them closer to your page. 
      • Use Hashtags : Yes, this is yet another trick that most advertisers or businessmen don't know. Like Twitter, Facebook has also started to use the hashtags "#" before any keyword so that if anybody wants to search for that particular keyword with hashtags then will reach your page . 
      • Facebook Plugins: If you have a website or blog about your business then you can use the plugins on it for encouraging others and building trust by showing them others likes on Facebook. 
      • Post upcoming events including webinars, conferences and other programs where you will be present.
      • Facebook Graph Search: There is a search bar at the top of the page which is used for searching for people who like your products . The list will be displayed and you can directly invite them and share them your products.
      • Use Insights : The Facebook fan page when it reaches 30 likes or so will display the graph or insights about the audience liking techniques. 
      • Safety and Privacy: Maintain some privacy standards so that nobody can violate with your business online. This may lower the standard of the brand name in the online market.
      • Images and Videos: These play an important role when people want to buy any product. The logos, images that are displayed and videos will build the trust of your brand. 
      • Facebook Ads: To get displayed on others' Facebook Wall or News Feed, the ads should be displayed and for that you have to create professional ads for your product or service.
      • Announce "Gifts" : In building traffic for your business , the attractive things that matter may be a small gift that will grab attention of the buyer and others will also get linked to it. So give away gifts

      According to the marketing gurus, those who have maintained some marketing strategies , may not have these points to implement . You may get lots of sites about Facebook Marketing techniques and tricks , but this post will help target your audience according to me.

      Tuesday, 24 September 2013

      Steps to Register for "Pocket app" by ICICI in Facebook

      Interesting ways to do all bank transactions with a launch of latest new Facebook app called as "Pockets" which is developed , designed and launched by ICICI Bank. In the earlier post, ICICI's new app Pockets, only the news was stated .In this post let us see how to use this app via Facebook.

      In this post I will guide you through the steps of using Pockets app in Facebook.

      Steps include: 

      • Log In to your Facebook account
      • Using Graph Search option, search for the keywords "ICICI bank" 

      • Click on "Launch App Now" button on the page
      • The following information is displayed:

        • Then "Skip" the page when it asks for "Pockets by ICICI Bank beta would like to post to your friends on your behalf". ( If you prefer)
        • Click on "Register Now" button 

        •  Then enter the fields of "Debit Card No" and "Pin" when asked 

        At any point of time, if you need customer care assistance then go to the link here:

      ICICI launched a new Facebook App - "Pockets"

      ICICI goes social!!!!!!!
      ICICI bank has announced a launch of its new Facebook app called as "Pockets". The app will be active from Wednesday, 25th of September. This app allows youngsters, social media savvy customers for carrying out financial and non-financial transactions via Facebook .
      Financial transactions like payments, account status, open a new account etc. Non Financial transaction involves recharge of mobiles , find out the balance in the account, etc.

      With the launch of this Facebook app, ICICI has made it very interesting while banking. So now you can do your banking transactions with other activities via Facebook app. 

      What the CEO and MD of ICICI bank, Chanda Kochhar says at a press conference : 

      "The creation of Pockets is in accordance to the bank's philosophy of providing convenience and choice to customers in interacting with the bank in whatever form, time or place they want."
      Considering the fact that there is a vast audience at Facebook,  Chanda Kochhar has stated the unique features of "Pockets by ICICI" app as follows: 

      • Pay a Friend: Using this feature , ICICI customer can transfer his money to his Facebook friend, without knowing their account number. The maximum amount that can be transferred is fixed at Rs 10,000.
      • Recharge prepaid mobile: This helps its customers to recharge their prepaid mobiles 
      • Book Movie tickets : App allows to book any movie tickets with their Facebook friends
      • Slip 'n' share': This feature helps its customers to track all expenses that may have been spent as a group. 
      • Open A Fixed Deposit account 
      • Order a Cheque Book 
      • Stop Cheque payments
      • Upgrade Debit cards

      How to use this app ?

      To use the "Pockets by ICICI" app, the customers have to first log in to their Facebook account. Then search for ICICI's Facebook page and go there. On that page they can view the app's tab . The tab opens to a fresh page which asks to complete a one time registration (OTP) by entering the debit card number and PIN. 

      The app will be live from Wednesday, 25th September onwards. 

      To know the steps regarding how to register with ICICI's Pocket app , visit here: Pocket app by ICICI Bank

      So, enjoy the benefit of being a Facebook Savvy .

      Monday, 23 September 2013

      Launch of new feature - "AutoFill your Info"

      Have you done shopping online?  Then you must have used payment sites like Paypal , Braintree etc which while making payments ask for your information like name, address, telephone number, amount to be paid, etc. 

      There is a newly introduced technique which will help the users who shop online and while paying, they can auto fill their data via Facebook. The new feature that is launched recently is "AutoFill " which will autofill your data using Facebook credentials and make the payments. 

      To do this, the social networking giant, Facebook has joined hands with Paypal, Braintree, Stripe and two e-commerce sites, JackThreads and Mosiac.

      More about this feature in one of my posts in my blog "Mobile Apps" . So visit the post : "Now Autofill your Info automatically with Facebook's credentials for payments via mobile"

      How to secure Facebook account with a "Code Generator"

      As stated in one of my posts of blog "Mobile Apps" , the security of Facebook account is necessary for high security level. To have a code for securing your Facebook app in Android or iPhone, you just have to set "Code Generator" in your mobile device which will ensure your account's security at a higher level. 

      I have stated with images and steps regarding this post in "Mobile Apps" blog. Do visit the post for your reference. 

      Friday, 20 September 2013

      View how your "Timeline" is visible for others

      Facebook Timeline is collection of the photos, stories, and experiences that tell your story. What you have posted, what you have liked , which videos you watched and uploaded, who has tagged you, etc. In short what your activities are done on Facebook will be displayed in your Timeline. 

      Your Facebook Timeline can be seen by others but you don't have the access to their accounts. To know how others see your Timeline , have a note of the following steps: 

      • Log in to your Facebook Account
      • Click on the Account Settings
      • Select the option "Timeline and Tagging" 
      • In that click on "View As" option besides "Who can see things on my Timeline"
      • When you click on "View As" option, it will open a new window of Timeline with a small tip at the top left corner to inform you.
      • Click on "Okay" button

      Remember: Things you hide from your timeline still appear in news feed, search and other places on Facebook.
      Now this is your Timeline that will be seen by the public . 

      Facebook launches "Deep Learning" Technique - Advanced Artificial Intelligence Technique

      In Facebook , daily users post some or the other new stuff that is related to their likes. They share some posts from other websites, like some other posts, share to their friends. Status updates is the daily routine like thing in the Facebook social network. Many have seen the ads appearing on their Facebook account which is relevant to their likes and dislikes. Means earlier if you have liked some Fan page, then Facebook recognizes it and displays the ads relevant to them. 

      Now Facebook wants to go deep into your thoughts and find out with its new launch of Advanced Artificial Intelligence technique called as "Deep Learning". 

      What actually is "Deep Learning" Technique? 
      According to Wikipedia, "Deep Learning  is a set of algorithms in machine learning that attempt to learn layered models of inputs, commonly neural networks. The layers in such models correspond to distinct levels of concepts, where higher-level concepts are defined from lower-level ones, and the same lower-level concepts can help to define many higher-level concepts."
      Now you may think what this technique is going to do with the Facebook related posts??
      The simple answer to this will be to understand what the user is posting in Facebook for the betterment of the quality of ads to display on it. This will help the advertisers to know how to make the ads more better for them to get the popularity on Facebook. In one of my posts, I have mentioned about how to gain success with the tricks of advertising and marketing of ads

      To get the ads working on Facebook and other social network, one has to know how to create a professional ad.

      Facebook developers team, now is looking forward to the new way to know and understand the posts that are done in Facebook. The technique behind to be used will be "Deep Learning" technique which is the Advanced Artificial Intelligence technique. 

      After applying this new technique the developers feel that it will boost the ad targeting feature for the advertisers. Earlier, this technique has done wonders in knowing the behavior of the people. 
       The "Deep Learning" technique will find out the meaning of the raw data posted and they can work on data.


      Hide all your "Messaging Activities" on Facebook

      Hiding some activities in Facebook , from some friends is sometimes necessary. Some Facebook users don't probably see as a problem, but enabling to hide the seen messages on the social network will make them understand what actually they were doing with their activity logs. 

      Any solution that really works is just a plugin for Chrome users, that is "FSeenBlock" which will solve your problem of hiding the seen messages on Facebook. 

      Social network users who due to some reason want to hide their messaging activity, can simply get the plugin installed on the Chrome browser. 

      What else can we do with this plugin? The "typing" notification that displays when a user is viewing message can be hidden . 

      But why do anyone want to hide their messaging activities in Facebook? If someone is chatting with you in Facebook, and if it is displaying to the other end that you are typing then it is good for them who is chatting with you.

      Readers, this post will make you find out why some people want to hide such activities. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Thursday, 19 September 2013

      Sync all your Facebook contacts with iPhone

      You may be using iPhone and wish to synchronize all the contacts of Facebook with iPad or iPhone. As you are socially active and that all your contacts from Facebook should be exported to iPhone. There may be situations wherein you have many friends in Facebook but there ids or address is not stored in iPhone or iPad. 

      All you need is the latest version of the Facebook app on your iPhone and then you can achieve this target. 

      Know how to sync Facebook contacts with iPhone or iPad

      • Download the latest version of Facebook from iTunes. If you don't have, then get it from here.    

      • Go to the Facebook app on your iPhone 
      • Go to "Friends" icon and Tap
      • Tap on the "Sync" button
      •  Edit your synchronization settings
      • Tap on "I Agree" for accepting the notice. After this your iPhone will begin to download and synchronize the contacts
      • After completion of this process, all your Facebook Friends' contacts will appear on your iPhone

      Same steps can be applied for exporting the contacts to your iPad. 


      Wednesday, 18 September 2013

      Your "LIKES" will be Safeguarded by U.S Constitution

      A freedom of speech is the most important way a person can share his or her feelings. As a matter of fact, when we see something interesting in Facebook, what we all do is hit a "LIKE" button. Do you know who is watching all this now ????

      The recent news discloses the fact that henceforth, all your LIKES will be protected by U.S Constitution's First Amendment.

      "Liking" is one emotion that can be shared in Facebook. Basically, when a user hits on the Like button, he is allowing the informative statement that "ABC likes XYZ". What is the use of this change in Facebook? 

      Why  is "Like"  Protected ?  
      Now you may think that when it is just about hitting like button which is a freedom of sharing someone about the feeling that we liked what he or she has posted. Then why such rules for protecting our likes? The simple answer is to protect illegal things to happen with anybody. No illegal thing is tolerated by Facebook. Latest in the news was the image posted by someone which was not according to the rules and regulations of Facebook. If someone liked that photo who has posted , then both are guilty and committing some illegal matters on the social network. Facebook is very strict in terms of Privacy Policy. 

      So, to avoid all these violent actions, to maintain respect towards all , to improve the quality of the Facebook network, all the "Likes"  that you do will be protected by the U. S Constitution.Liking anything and nonsense stuff will be protected and taken care of in a way. Some really hit like for any nonsense issues and which may call for illegal matters.

      Liking illegal photos on Facebook will be protected which is a very good way. Some do this . And they get banned and one who likes also gets banned. So to avoid all this nonsense, the U.S law has taken care of all your Likes .