Showing posts with label Facebook news. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Facebook news. Show all posts

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Facebook's Paper App with new set of features

After the launch of Paper App by Facebook last month, now its time to add some features in the app. Paper app is an application that Android users or iOS users will experience the latest news in their mobiles as an animated deck of cards with images, videos, etc. 

Facebook now adds new set of features to the app giving more enhancement to the user experience. 

Now users can see that Paper app on their mobiles has 3 new options for sharing articles: 
  • Facebook Messeges
  • Email
  • Text Messages
With these options, it also has included a feature to disable sound effects if the user wants to. Also user can create stories in languages like Korean, Chinese, Japanese, etc

If you haven't got your Paper App on your mobile, then click below to the direct link for download. 

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

End of email service by March 2014 as per Facebook's latest updates

Less used email service of Facebook, will be closed by the social media in the month of March 2014. As stated in the latest news about Facebook, it is the end of 

The email service was based on your public username. For example, if your user name is abc, then email sent to your accounts' email, i.e, would be seen in Facebook messages. But now as this service is coming to an end, an email sent to this address will be forwarded to your primary email. 

To know what is your email id in Facebook, check your Account Settings -> General -> Email.

You will get a clear idea of the same. 

This email service was launched by Facebook in 2010 for providing one place where users can send or receive email. But this feature was rarely used and updated. Moreover it caused problems and troubles. 

The main reason Facebook has decided to close this service is for non usage of users. People have not used this properly. So this decision will not make any difference for people. 

A Facebook spokesperson said: "Over the next few weeks we're notifying people who use their email that the feature is changing. When someone sends you an email to your then it will no longer go to your Messages on Facebook. Instead, the email will be forwarded to the primary email address on your account." 

Facebook lets to turn off this feature. 

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Facebook's Messenger App gets "Dislike" button with other set of stickers

Long awaited "Dislike" button has now been introduced by Facebook in its Messenger app for users. This button is in the form of sticker . There are other more stickers that are added for messenger app users on their mobile. The "Dislike" button for desktop users is yet to be introduced. 

The stickers were introduced in the month of April to its chat feature. With other stickers, Facebook has added the thumbs down too which indicates the "Dislike" button. 

From many years users wanted a button that would allow them to choose whether a particular post is liked or not. They waited for this new button which would allow them for disliking any post or photo. 

Thursday, 31 October 2013

Facebook to study your mouse cursor movements

Facebook after giving more better options like displaying less unwanted ads on News Feed, launching of Deep Learning technique, etc for advertisers to improve their ads, now has announced that it will track users' mouse cursor movements. 

You may think that what is the main intention behind this change. Basically Facebook wants to study how you behave with any ad on your News Feed. Whether you hover over to know more with tool tips or think for some time before clicking on it. 
How a user behaves on screen when any ads are placed or any image containing ads are displayed will be tracked by Facebook. When ads are displayed on the News Feed, sometimes users feel it is interesting and would want to know more about that ad, the user will move the mouse cursor to hover over the ad and wait for some time. 

For how many seconds or minutes your cursor hovers over the image or any photo will be tracked by Facebook. 

Also before clicking on "Like" option below any photo, what your mouse cursor does is also known. By this the behavior of the person using will be known. 
Till now Facebook has studied your clicks, likes and comments, to make some improvements in the ad placements and better ad products. To make it more better, understanding users' mind is important. And hence the use of special technique of "mouse cursor" will decide. 

How you hover your cursor over any advertisement and if you click on it, then what your cursor does will be evaluated for making more engaging News Feed layouts and ads.

Purely to study the behavior of its users for "AD related" images and photos, this technique will be used. Facebook users' personal data will not be tracked or used. The main intention behind this will be to improve the ad campaigns, ad images and ad placements.

Friday, 30 August 2013

Facebook copies Twitter, tests 'Trending section' on desktop news feed

The Wall Street Journal reports that Facebook is testing a 'Trending Section' - similar to the 'Trends Box' which shows popular topics that are currently trending.

The Wall Street Journal quotes a Facebook spokesperson, who confirms the test saying, "We are running a small test of a unit on News Feed,� she said. �Right now it only available to a small percentage of US users and it is still in the early stages of development.� Facebook also launched searchable hashtags this year. 

If you have a business page and want to get more and more likes from new visitors, then better have a look at the post stating "How to use Hashtags in Facebook Fan Page [Infographic]".