Thursday, 6 March 2014

Facebook For Free Without Internet

FACEBOOK a revolution in socail networking sites. now-a-days everyone use facebook. it not possiblle for all of them to leave there work and sit before computer.So many of them are accessing facebook through their mobiles.
And another problem arrises here not all people will have smart phones and internet connection for there mobile.
For this we found a trick to access facebook from any mobile without internet for free.

FACEBOOK Without Internet For Any Mobile

  • from any kind of phone [need not be specifically a smart phone] dail *325#
  • As soon as you call for the above number there will be a new screen alert ENTER FACEBOOK USERNAME
  • then enter your facebook user name and password
  • Now its shows the following options in your mobile    

1. Message
2. News Feed
3. Update Status
4. Post On Wall
5.Friend Request

click the answer button and enter your choice.
You can update your status as many times as you want its free but if you want to use other options unlimted times it costs Rs1/day

Tips: If you want to add your friend on facebook then dail *325* mobile number#

 i hope you like the trick .so please share in facebook , like it and also subscribe for us.


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